We only list independent companions who have an established web presence and can be verified as being fully independent. We constantly strive to keep our directory free of low quality ads, fakes and con artists, or anyone showing any signs of being abused, manipulated, or coerced in any way. To achieve this, all companions must be properly screened and meet a minimum set of guidelines to ensure that their level of professionalism meets our high standards.

As of February 22, 2025 we are an Invitation-Only Directory.

Guidelines updated on September 6, 2019

Guidelines For Being Listed on Our Directory


  • be 21 years of age or older
  • be Independent and NOT under the guidance of an agency, pimp, or anyone else making decisions for you
  • be Verified through one of our verification methods
  • have a good rapport with at least 2 companions on the site who will vouch for you
  • have your own website and be in control of that website
  • have professional-looking images that accurately depict you and your business
  • keep your listing updated with correct information
  • link back to Companions Guide with a reciprocal link somewhere on your website


  • advertise any type of hateful, violent, or illegal activities on your listings or anywhere on this site
  • use any graphic images or sexually explicit text as part of your advertising
  • make false representation of yourself through images or text
  • have a history of abusive or manipulative behavior toward other companions or clients

*Failure to keep your listing(s) within the boundaries of these guidelines will result in your listing(s) being removed from our directory.

**Changes to the guidelines could happen at any time, so please be sure to check this page often.

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Companions Guide

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Step 2: Copy and Paste the following code to your website:

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